Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Library Orientation and Introduction

It is always so much fun to introduce new students to the library. Today's introduction and orientation was a little bit different. Because of circumstances beyond my control our students had not been uploaded to the library system, and therefore were not able to check out books. We are a flexible bunch so I went into the classrooms to read to the children today. I got to read to seven classes of students. We read books about two of our focus words for this week respect and responsibility. We talked about how we show respect for our teachers when we sit quietly and listen and how we respect the people around us by keeping our hands to ourselves. We also talked about being respectful of other people's property. I love the quote from Cheri J. Meiners' book Respect and Take Care of Things, "I show respect for people when I respect their things" (pg. 27). It is a great way to begin a discussion on how we should take care of the property of the school, our teachers, and our friends and provides a wonderful opportunity for me to talk about taking care of the books in the library. We also read the book, Being Responsible by Cassie Mayer. The children enjoyed repeating, "You are responsible." We talked about the different jobs they are responsible for at home (clean room, brushed teeth, feeding pet, etc.) and at school (backpack, folder, library books, etc.). We discussed the fact that being responsible is a big job, but now that we are all in school it is a very important job.

The last story we read was Pat Miller's The Library Monkeys. The children seemed to really enjoy this funny story about five monkeys who were not acting very responsible for their books. The did show respect for their librarian Miss Booker because they brought to her attention all of the different problems that occurred (torn, dog-eared, and dirty pages). Miss Booker, being the kind librarian, explained that accidents happen but repairs need to be made by her only. 

I asked the children if they knew a librarian. So of the children who had been really good listeners were able to pick up on the fact that Miss Booker and I have the same job. Taking care of books is a lesson we will touch on many times through out the school. I hope by connecting book care to two of the classroom focus words the students will have a better understanding of library expectations. I want the children to check out books and enjoy reading them, but I also want them to understand how to be a good library user.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The beginning...

I am very excited to meet and greet all of the new Kinkeade Kangaroos who will be walking through our school doors on the first day. I know they are going to be filled with all kinds of emotions, as will their parents. It is hard to let go of your little one on the first day of Pre-K. Not only is it a milestone in your child's life as they start their educational journey, it is also a milestone for you as their parent. You are joining the Kinkeade Kangaroo Family. We will work together to help your child be successful. As a parent, I will be sending my son off to his first day as a senior in high school, so I definitely know how you feel.

One of the very best parts of my job is connecting children (and their parents) to books. I love sharing my joy and passion for books. I would like to encourage you to come to the library, sign up for a school library card, and then visit often to check out books. You are welcome to come with your child or alone. I keep the library open on Thursday evenings for families to come together to check out books. The books in the Kinkeade Library are not limited to the students enrolled at Kinkeade. If you have older children that would like to check out picture books to read at home, they are more than welcome to come with you to check out.

Please let me know what I can do to help make your year at Kinkeade the very best experience for you and your child. We are so very excited you are here.